The following is a gallery of training videos on addressing cross-border threats from CBTS.
Judson Murdock with U.S. Customs & Border Protection and CBTS Director Greg Pompelli discuss the reasons for declaring biologically hazardous materials at cross-border checkpoints.
Mary Braswell discusses the process of importing and exporting regulated biological materials.
Dr. Lapitan with CBP Agriculture Programs and Trade Liaison discusses protection against biological threats.
Jack Taniewski with the USDA and Sam Edwin with the CDC discuss the Federal select agents program. Stuart Kuehn discusses the USDA_APHIS_PPQ Requirements for importation of biologicals.
Awinash Bhatkar with the TDA Bio Security and Sarah Ortiz with the USDA Veterinary Svcs discuss the biosecurity & agricultural resource management and the USDA APHIS regulation of imported biological products containing animal origin materials.
Roger Parker Bio Director for the Texas Animal Health Commission discusses the veterinary biologics regulations.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Inspector Dustin Hunt discusses electronic declarations.
Jenny Ligon, CBTS Director of Education discusses a concise overview of Cross-Border Threat Screening and Supply Chain Defense – Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence.
CBP Assistant Director for Trade Bradd Skinner discusses the importance to declare imports upon arrival to the country.
Centers for Disease Control: Dr. Cremer discusses the prevention regulations and biological importations.
Michael Valenzuela with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration discusses biological products – importing FDA regulated products.
Dr. Pieracci with the Centers for Disease Control discusses the CDC’s role in the importation of biologics at the port of entry.
Stuart Streck with the Department of Transportation discusses transporting category A infectious substances safely.